Hello 2025 and blog because it’s been 6 months since my last post. 😅 So sorry definitely go caught up with life but this year one of my goals/intentions is to post more content on this baby because I truly love expressing myself on here and I have a ton of you guys that love reading these! So without further ado, I’m going to be sharing my Vision Board 2025!
There are a lot of things going on in my Vision Board for 2025 so I’m going to break it down below with my goals/intentions.
Explore: I add this onto every vision board every year because it’s something that I love doing & intend to do every year! I would love to visit new places overseas & go on another cruise because it’s been a minute but I love exploring new & fun places!
Wellness: I started a fitness journey last year and kind of fell into a depression episode (always fun) and fell out of my routine. But I got back on it in July and found a new pilates & yoga studio which I LOVE so I will definitely be keeping up with wellness this year! I also added in some changes into my workout routine & have been loving it so keeping up with it this year will be fun and something I’m looking forward to.
Wealth: Going into this year I will be focusing more on money! By that I mean I want to add more into my savings, maybe invest in something new, and I really want to focus on only buying things I’m missing or need. I’m starting that by doing a No Buy January (except for essentials) and so far so good… I say that as it’s only the 9th day in the year. 😅
Girl Boss: With my fun depression episode I had last year, I definitely fell off the ball of my business. Honestly I was juggling a ton of different things in life and I had no structure of my life so this year I’m getting organized (becoming a iPad girly) and going in full force! I will be writing more blog posts, finding new content ideas, and connecting with you!
Also a side goal of my “girl bossing” is to try to make it out of the house to a coffee shop to work at least once a week! I feel like I’ve gotten so used to my space and sometimes changing spaces can really change perspective on what you’re doing.
Slow Down: These last few years have been great with lots going on but I’ve definitely been on a rollercoaster and my body definitely feels it. A big goal of mine this year is to slow down a bit and focus on some of my hobbies like reading, coloring, etc. I would also love to just take days as they come because I’m a big planner so adding in a touch of mystery to my life just seems like a welcoming change.
New Beginnings: There are a lot of big questions being asked in my life right now and I honestly I’m scared. That sounds crazy I know but I know this year will be the year of new beginnings so I’m embracing the change. Lots more on this to come in the coming months and I’ll be sharing all my new beginnings on my socials. 😉
So that’s my Vision Board 2025! Here’s to making 2025 an amazing one and I’d love to hear some of your goals/intentions below!
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