Good Morning everyone! So, one of my goals for 2017 is to be a bit more organized especially at home.  I literally feel like I’m constantly cleaning but somehow everything ends up all over the place in a few days! I just don’t understand! Not only do I want to stay organized at home but I also really want to be organized in my day to day life.

I’ve been really good at this these past couple of years but this year has a twist.  Since I want to focus more on blog to help it grow I definitely need to have the days I will be doing posts scheduled in my planner!  Which brings me to my tips!

#1 Buy a planner

So, I used to use one of these all through college! I can’t tell you how much it helped me especially with all the assignments in classes, being in my sorority, having a job etc.  It helped maintain my social life and my school life very well and I still use one till this day! It helps me stay on top of everything and its convenient because you can find them in all sizes and some fit in your purse!

#2 Buy a desk calendar or any calendar

This is also really key to staying organized.  I have a desk calendar and circle days that I may have something going on.  This could be anything from working out to a blogger event.  If it’s on the desk or on the wall where I can see it everyday reminds me of all the things I have going on especially because I use my desk everyday!

#3 Schedule reminders on your phone or laptop

Now as bloggers we tend to be on our phone & laptop (or desktop) everyday and probably most of the day.  If you set reminders on your devices for events or things like picking up the dry cleaning.  This could help you when you are out the door or even if you just merely forgot! (Don’t worry it happens to all of us!)

#4 Schedule days off

Now I know this may seem a little weird because we are talking about tips to stay organized but guys I promise you having a day off helps! First off you know that you definitely don’t have anything to do that day because well your off! Second it gives you time to review what you might have the next day, next week, or next month! I find it extremely essential to take time off to balance out what I have going on in my life and to be able to schedule in new things that might have come up.

#5 Don’t overthink it

Organization to some can be very overwhelming especially if they have to juggle many things in one day or wear many different hats from day to day.  It’s all about routine and once you have that down you won’t even think that you’re being organized but you are! You have made something that works for you on a day to day basis without missing that spin class or trip to the grocery store and that my friends is a huge thumbs up!

I hope you could find some of these tips helpful and don’t worry if you feel like you are late to the game I promise you aren’t! Planning and organizing takes some time but once you got it down it’s a game changer! Let me know what tips work for you & please someone give me tips on how to keep my house maintained for more than 2 seconds!




Silvia M.