Good Morning and happy Wednesday! Well let’s just cut the crap it’s HUMP DAYYYY!!! 🙂 Hope everyone is off to an amazing day! I’ve been super busy running around this week and working out twice a day. It’s been tough but I know it’s good for my body so I’m trying to keep at it. Today I want to talk about a topic that seems to be everywhere, at least for bloggers. It’s all about Instagram. I’m going to be sharing some Instagram tips that have helped me and hopefully help some of you! (Especially with this new Instagram Shadow ban) -_-
Tip #1 Engage, Engage, Engage!
Okay so this one is pretty obvious. You are on a social platform so be social! I love finding new people that have common interests or share the same love for food! (That’s right foodie Instagrammers I’m talking about you!) I think it’s kind of silly that some people don’t think this is a key to growth or don’t do it because they feel like people will find them. NEWS FLASH: WRONG! Just be social and make new buddies and don’t forget to continue to interact with those who already support you.

Tip #2 It’s not all about the numbers
The number one question (literally) that everyone has is how do I grow? How do I get to 10K? Are numbers important of course but don’t kill yourself trying to get to that 10K. If the girl next to you grew her Instagram magically with unicorn dust don’t sweat! You will get there too and your results will be a lot different than hers (trust me). It’s going to take time, hard work, and patience so just try to remember you aren’t doing anything wrong.
Tip #3 Less Hashtags
I was a firm believer in using like 20 different hashtags. Well with Instagram changing the game yet again, don’t. I’ve been using somewhere between 5-7 hashtags and putting them in my caption instead of my comments. No, I’m nowhere near the amount of likes I was getting before but it keeps me from getting shadow banned. Try it out on a couple of your photos and see where it gets you! 🙂

Tip #4 Use Instagram Stories
I was not a huge fan of Instagram stories whenever it first came out. I mean no filters!?! But recently I’ve been utilizing it daily and it’s gotten me some great feedback! Your followers will see your floating head (or title) and this may get them to come onto your page. Make sure to integrate something to make them go to your Instagram or something to have them engage with you! That way you can remind them to check it out on your Instagram.

Tip #5 Remember Instagram isn’t God
I don’t want to start to much commotion over this but I’ve been seeing everyone getting so riled up about Instagram. Trust me, I get it it’s a HUGE business opportunity for many users and helps many get there name out there. I just want to say that when you started you didn’t start with Instagram and say hey I’m going to make a blog out of this. You started with a blog and then converted Instagram to match. Let’s just all calm down and drink a margarita! I know it’s been a rough month for so many people (including me) but all we can do is keep on keepin. If your following is loyal then you have nothing to worry about! 🙂
Hope you guys enjoyed these tips! If you have any tips please feel free to share! Remember sharing is caring. 🙂
Silvia M.
All great tips for new beginners. Instagram can be a pain but it’s just a social media.
Yes girl I agree!
Thank you so much for this post, I definitely needed to read this! I’ve been freaking out so much about this Instagram shadow ban thing. I’m glad to know there are ways around it and Instagram isn’t the be all end all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
No problem! Glad you enjoyed!
These are great tips, I think engaging is so important!
Me too!
Great tips and you are so right about the last point! It is so easy to let it control your life 🙈
It is but it definitely shouldn’t.
Tip #5 is my favorite! Numbers really aren’t everything and as long as you’re feeling good about the content you’re putting out, your account will eventually grow!
YES YES YES! I totally agree!
Definitely important to remember that IG isn’t everything! And I’ve gotten really into stories lately too!
xoxo A
They are so good for engagement!
Remembering Instagram isn’t god is a big one! It’s sort of “the social media platform” right now but it shouldn’t keep us tossing and turning at night. Love your tips for engagement and on a side note your outfit is super cute (:
Aww thank you! I’m so glad you agree with this!
Number 5 is so spot on. Instagram is not the end all be all. It is tough to remember sometimes. Great post!
Thank you!
Great tips babe! Love it all!💛💛💛
Thanks love!
That’s interesting about using less hashtags… gonna have to give that a try!
Yes it has helped me!
Perfectly written. I love the way you relay your tips. Real, straight to the point, with a splash of you sass! 😘❤️ Thank you for sharing.
Thanks girl 🙂
Yes!! Thank you for this! I completely agree. I want authentic conversation and engagement with followers. And I love to share the love with those I follow. Thanks for being so positive and reminding us what is really important. 🙂
I’m so glad you agree!
I wish I had just kept my personal instagram page instead of starting a new one for my blog, it’s a lot of work running two instagram accounts!
I could only imagine! But sometimes I wish I had my personal one because there are so many other things I would post that I can’t because it’s not my personal one anymore.
I’ve been loving using Instagram stories lately! It’s definitely helped me engage with my followers more.
Totally agree!
Great tips! I need to utilize instagram stories more! I’ve also been using less or no hashtags because of the shadow banning – instagram is so annoying to me right now haha
Oh I totally agree! Try using Instagram Stories more! It’s helped my engagement. 🙂
These are great tips! I can never get the hang of Instagram. I do my best and then it changes. I’ve learned to go with the flow!
Omg I so agree! It’s a new game everyday.
Great!! Thank you so much for this post!! I am new in here so it really helped me !😘💐 and yes , IG is not God ! Super de acuerdo! 🤗
So glad you enjoyed it love!
Thank you so much for all the tips! I am new in the blogger world so it helped me a lot!💐😘
No problem! 🙂
Instagram is that friend I don’t like right now! I’ve been on it since it began, and I personally feel like I’m being penalized for it! My engagement, no matter how much I engage, is terrible!
I totally know what you mean. It’s been super frustrating lately.
These are great tips. I try really hard to reply to everyone who leaves me a comment on IG and it can be really time consuming, but I think it will pay off in the long run.
I was doing that also but have ultimately fell behind. I need to get back to doing that!
I such at Instagram. I always have. lol. It’s just SO much work to keep up with them always changing and honestly… I don’t get too many people coming to my site from Insta. Just I just don’t sweat it too much. It’s FUN. But you’re right. We need some margs.
Haha I’m glad you agree!
Haha i like #5! haha honestly the only thing that really works IMO is #1!
Thanks Rachel 🙂
These are great tips!!
Glad to help!
That purse with those shoes…. YES! I love this outfit combo!
Thanks McKenna!
Such great tips!!! I agree with number 1!! sooo true
Thanks girl!
Great tips, Sylvia! Instagram has become so annoying lately!
Thanks Anna!
Loved this post!! I love Instagram, but sometimes we all give it too much power. Loved all your tips!!
I totally agree Angela!
Great tips! I’ve been messing with the number of hashtags I use and I feel like using less (around 10) has helped some. Engaging is so important…people want to interact with you, not just follow along!
Me too! It’s helped so much!